The library is an integral part of an academic institution which supports instruction, research and extension activities. It is a learning and research center where students and faculty conduct intellectual activities.
With this concept, the Catanduanes State University (CatSU) Library continues to play an important role in the institution in providing the information needs of the CatSU community through the provision of organized, adequate and efficient information resources and services.
Brief History
The Catanduanes State University Main Library traces its beginnings in May, 1972. It was located at the former Catanduanes State Colleges (CSC) Main High School building, now the College of Education.
In 1973, it was transferred to the 3rd Floor East Wing of Administration Building.
In 1998, the University Library was transferred to its three-storey building where it is presently situated. This is to accommodate the increasing number of library holdings that cater to the additional number of curricular program offerings as well as to the growing student population of the University.
Objectives of the University Library
The University Library aims to provide the CatSU community and other clients access to information and maintain the library management system, acquisition and circulation.
In line with this, the following specific objectives are set:
- Provide assistance to clients in their use of library resources.
- Acquire updated books and other state of the art ICT facilities and equipment.
- Maintain Online Public Access Catalog (OPAC)/Card Catalog.
- Sustain access for users with physical disabilities.
- Digitize fragile, deteriorating, and/or easily damaged materials.
- Maintain air-conditioned room for storage of sensitive materials.
- Supervise mini library operation.
Library Sections, Facilities And Services
Library Sections and Facilities
The University Library holds various collections which are divided into the different sections.
The General Circulation and Reserve Section contains the bulk of the library collection which follows the open-shelf system. It houses the collection of books in computer science, history, psychology, social science, engineering, nursing, education and other allied fields.
The Filipiniana Section and Local History Collection houses a collection of publications about the Philippines regardless of author and imprint, and books written in Filipino language.
- Vertical files containing newspaper clippings, pamphlets and other miscellaneous materials relating to persons, places, organizations, business, government and educational information. They are classified and arranged alphabetically by subject and stored in a file cabinet.
- Periodical indexes which are selected articles taken from journals and magazines classified and arranged alphabetically by subject.
The Graduate Studies and Reference Section houses a collection of books in the fields of specialization including theses and dissertations.
The Institutional Archives contains preserved records and photographs of the institution. The University Library also houses several facilities aimed to enrich learning through provision of technology, audiovisual and instructional media.
The Multimedia Center houses the collection of audiovisual and other non-print resources of the library such as audio and video tapes and recordings, and multimedia sources in CD-ROM. In addition, an array of audiovisual projection equipments and services are available. Scheduling of audiovisual facilities such as the Little Theater and Audiovisual Room is also handled by the Center.
Library Services
The University Library offers different services as outlined below:
Circulation Service include functions such as lending, returning and renewing of books and other library materials; assisting library patrons with the location of library materials; reporting of library fines; recalling of overdue library materials; shelving of books and shelf reading, among others.
Reference and Information Services
- Current Awareness Services. Relevant articles from recent periodicals in different areas of disciplines are disseminated to the respective Deans of Colleges and heads of different departments through the Current Awareness Services.
- Book Display. The Book Display is a regular library feature where new books are placed on display for browsing after which they are finally placed into circulation.
- Online Public Access Catalog (OPAC). The OPAC facilitates the search for materials for the right topic using computer instead of traditional card catalog.
- STARBOOKS. The STARBOOKS (Science and Technology Academic and Research Based Openly Operated Kiosk Station) contains thousands of digitized science and technology resources in various formats (text and video/audio) placed in specially designed “pods” set in a user-friendly interface.
Multimedia Services
Multimedia services provide technical assistance in using the audiovisual materials, equipment and facilities of the University Library.
Library Rules and Regulations
- Authorized Users
- All bona-fide members of the Catanduanes State University (students, faculty and employees)
- CatSU alumni
- Non-CatSU and other researchers
- Library Card
- CatSU Students
- New students (freshmen and transferees) applying for a Library Card shall be required to:
- Present Certificate of Enrolment (COE) for the current semester;
- Fill out the Application Form of Student’s Library Card (Annex A);
- Submit two (2) copies of recent 1x1 ID picture; and,
- Pay P100.00 Library Card fee to the Cashiering Office.
- Old Students with Library Cards shall be required to:
- Present Certificate of Enrolment (COE) for the current semester;
- Have the Library Card validated by the Librarian.
- New students (freshmen and transferees) applying for a Library Card shall be required to:
- CatSU Faculty and Employee
- CatSU alumni
- Non-CatSU and Other researchers
- Present to the Librarian an official request together with a certification from the Librarian/Dean/School head as to the need for such service.
- Seek approval from the University Librarian.
- Pay the library service fee of P100.00/day at the Cashier’s Office.
- Present approved request together with the Official Receipt to the University Librarian.
- Fill out the Library System Registration Form for Outside Researcher (Annex C).
- First Offense: Written Warning
- Second Offense: Suspension of library privileges for 1 month
- Third Offense: Suspension of Library privileges for one semester
- Lost card should be reported to the librarian anytime during library hours
- A replacement card shall be issued only upon presentation of Affidavit of Loss, official receipt as proof of payment of P100.00 library card fee and submission of 1 copy of 1x1 recent ID picture.
- Mutilated and expired library card should be surrendered to the Library for replacement.
- A replacement card will be issued upon presentation of Official Receipt for payment of P100.00 library card fee and submission of 1 copy of 1x1 recent ID picture.
I. Application for Library Card
- CatSU Students
- Borrowing Privileges
- CatSU Students. CatSU students are allowed to borrow a maximum of three (3) books at a time to be used inside the library premises.
- CatSU Faculty and Employees. Faculty members and employees are allowed to borrow a maximum of two (2) books at a time for a period not exceeding three days. Re-borrowing may be allowed only upon return of previously borrowed books.
- CatSU Alumni, Non-CatSU and other researchers. CatSU Alumni, non-CatSU and other researchers may avail of the library services and facilities inside the library premises only.
- Use of Library Information Resources
- Circulation: General Rules
- Reference books such as dictionaries, encyclopedias, directories and similar materials which are designed for quick consultations for specific information shall not to be taken out of the library or for overnight use.
- Reserve books are information resources with limited copies identified in heavy demand during each semester, and books that are required readings by faculty members in their classes. These books (maximum of two at a time) may be borrowed for:
- two (2) hours only within the library and can be renewed for another hour if not requested by other users
- overnight use not earlier than 4:00 o’clock in the afternoon and to be returned not later than 9:00 o’clock in the morning the following class day
- General circulation books may be borrowed and returned anytime during the library hour for one (1) day, and can be re-borrowed for another day unless needed by other students. Three books can be borrowed at a time.
- Theses and dissertations, periodicals, vertical files, and audiovisual and archive materials are to be used inside the library only.
- One (1) fiction book may be borrowed for one (1) week.
- Books and periodicals borrowed from the library should not be passed on to another person.
- On no account may a student, faculty, employee, or researcher take out a book from the library without the librarian’s permission.
- Circulation: General Rules
- Renewing/Returning Books and Other Library Materials
- Books should be renewed or returned on time at the counter.
- Renewal of book borrowed is allowed except when the material is needed by other legitimate library users, or when it is overdue.
- Any book/material borrowed is subject to recall anytime whenever necessary.
- All overdue books should be returned immediately upon recall.
- Fines and Penalties
- Overdue books
- A fine of P50.00 per day including Saturdays, Sundays and holidays where applicable.
- Payment of fines for overdue books shall be paid at the Cashier’s Office. The official receipt shall be presented to the Librarian.
- Lost Books
- Lost books and library materials must be reported immediately.
- Library materials lost by users which are no longer available in the market shall be subjected to replacement cost, which will include current cost plus 10% for processing cost. (COA Circular No. 77-42b dated January 3, 1997).
- Lost books shall be replaced by similar or allied book of latest edition.
- Overdue books
Decorum in the Library
- Library Personnel
- Maintain proper behavior inside the library with high respect and good relationship with the library users, peers and superiors.
- Observe punctuality and use official time effectively and honestly.
- Take charge and be responsible for the proper use and upkeep of library facilities and equipment.
- Provide polite, fair and efficient service.
- Call the attention of anyone causing disturbance inside the library.
- Library Users
- The library adopts an “open-shelf system”. Inspection of users’ things before exit is a part of the normal procedure in the library.
- Bags, folders, etc. should be deposited at the baggage counter.
- Cell phones and the like should be in a silent mode upon entering the library.
- Silence must be observed. Idle conversations and other unnecessary noise must be avoided.
- Eating, smoking and sleeping are strictly prohibited inside the library.
- Plugging of electronic devices and laptops in the sockets is prohibited.
- The library must be kept clean at all times. Littering should be avoided. Waste paper and scraps should be placed into trashcans or bins available or kept for later disposal.
- Newspapers and magazines should be returned to their proper places.
- Books and other materials should be handled with care. Writing in the books and tearing pages are strictly prohibited.
- Catalog trays should be returned to their proper places after use.
- Catalog cards should not be pulled out of the trays.
- Chairs should be pushed back slowly under the table before leaving the library.
- Violation of any of the policies and procedures of the library shall be reported to the Office of Student Support Services for proper disposition and recording.
Mutilation or Stealing of Library Books and Materials
Use of Online Public Access Catalog (OPAC)
- Policies:
- Access service shall be on a first come, first served basis.
- Each user shall be allowed a maximum of fifteen (15) minutes which may be extended if no one else is waiting.
- One (1) unit, one (1) user policy shall be observed. However, by mutual consent, two (2) users may share one (1) unit provided their behavior or conversation does not disturb others.
- Altering of PC CMOS/PC settings, browser and network configuration is strictly prohibited.
- Procedures
- Searching Library Materials
- Type the word/phrase (e.g. title of books, author, or subject) you want to search then press the appropriate button. All entries that match the search will be displayed on the window.
- Click the entry which closely matches your search.
- To view other items, click the scroll up or down buttons.
- Book Reservation
- From the list of books displayed on the window, select the title of the book you want to reserve.
- Click the HOLD IT! button after which the Hold Request page opens. Click your option.
- Click the SAVE button.
- Canceling Book Reservation
- Click the HOLDS tab/menu.
- Select the item you want to remove.
- Click the REMOVE or REMOVE ALL button.
- Viewing Overdue Fines
- Click the MyInfo menu wherein your patron status will appear.
- Searching Library Materials
Use of Little Theater and Audiovisual Facilities
- Policies
- The audio-visual equipment and facilities may be used by University personnel and faculty members for instructional and other school related activities.
- Audio-visual equipment and facilities may be used for other purpose subject to prior approval of the SUC President III.
- Agencies/Institutions/Organizations outside of the CSU may avail of the audio-visual services subject to prior approval of the SUC President III.
- Operation/Handling of audio-visual equipment shall be the responsibility of the Audiovisual technicians.
- The Audio-visual Room and Little Theater shall not be used for fund raising purposes.
- Application
- Application for the use of audio-visual and little theater equipment and facilities shall be made by filling out the Application for Use of Audio-visual Equipment and Facilities Form (Annex D) which may be obtained from the College Librarian.
- Submission of accomplished request form is required at least three (3) days prior to the conduct of the activity.
- Non-CSU users shall be charged fees for the occupancy, electricity consumption and use of audiovisual equipment at the Little Theater and Audiovisual Room. Fees shall be paid at the Cashiering Services.
- Cancellation/Postponement
- Should the applicant cancel his application or otherwise change either the purpose for which the application is filed or any of the specifications previously written, the applicant shall do so not later than two (2) days before the date of the proposed activity.
- Notice of postponement or cancellation should be forwarded to the College Librarian.
- Preliminary Preparation
- Faculty/Adviser’s Presence
- Cost
- Revocation of Permit

Library Service Hours
Description | Schedule |
Filipiniana Section and Local History Collection General Circulation and Reserved Section Periodicals/Serials Section |
Monday – Friday 7:30am - 5:30pm (No Noon Break) |
Graduate Studies and Reference Section | Monday – Friday 7:30am-5:30 Saturday 7:30am-5:00 (No Noon Break) |
Multimedia Section | Monday – Friday 7:30-12:00/1:00 - 5:30 |
Institutional Archives Section | Monday 7:30-11:30/1:00-5:00 Tuesday - Friday 8:30-12:00/1:00 - 5:30 |