Catanduanes State University

At the forefront facing the eastern pacific seaboard, is the Catanduanes State University, one of the distinguished state universities in the region. Driven by firm resolve in upholding the tradition of excellence through united front and consistent spirit.

CatSU joins Philippine Civil Service anniversary kick-off ceremonies


The Catanduanes State University (CatSU) led by OIC President and CHED RO-V Regional Director, Dr. Freddie T. Bernal, joined the rest of the Philippine public sector in celebrating this year’s 120th Civil Service anniversary in a kick-off ceremony held September 7, 2020 at the CatSU grounds. The event started with an Invocation led by CBA Dean, Prof. Esperanza P. San Juan, followed by flag raising, and later community singing of Inang Catandungan and the CatSU hymn.

    OIC -President Bernal emphasized in his message before the school officials, heads of offices, Deans, faculty and non-teaching staff during the activity the essentials of outstanding public servant anchored on public trust. He said that it could be gained  through dedication and commitment to service. “The CatSU needs a stronger collaborative effort of all employees to be at par with the trends and demands of the academic sector, especially with the advent of new technology that has brought so many changes in the education system,” Dr. Bernal said.

 The OIC-President likewise announced the need to fortify establishment of smart campuses, including the CatSU, to help face the challenges of education in the new normal,” Dr. Bernal said. 

 Later in the ceremony, a photo-op of CatSU community was held at the University grounds. This year’s theme for the 120th Philippine Civil Service anniversary is “Philippine Civil Service @ 120: Public Sector in the Age of Digital Transformation.”
