Catanduanes State University

At the forefront facing the eastern pacific seaboard, is the Catanduanes State University, one of the distinguished state universities in the region. Driven by firm resolve in upholding the tradition of excellence through united front and consistent spirit.

CatSU holds pre-enrolment orientation for College of Law's pioneer batch


The pioneering batch of enrollees of Catanduanes State University - College of Law (CatSU-COL) took their first step toward earning their Juris Doctor (JD) degree on Saturday, August 3, as they attended the ‘Pre-enrollment Orientation’ held at the JD Seminar Hall.
Associate Dean Atty. Gregorio M. Sarmiento Jr. provided an overview of the academic policies, the JD program, and student conduct and discipline to the enrollees.
University Registrar Marilyn Tejada addressed the admission and enrollment requirements, while COL Librarian Jinky T. Tejada discussed library policies relevant to the new students.
In a video message, CatSU President Dr. Patrick Alain T. Azanza extended his warm welcome to the pioneer batch of the University’s Juris Doctor program.
“I’m truly very proud of all of you. Just like our dean, Atty. Gabionza, I look forward to seeing you all top the Bar Examinations. More importantly, I hope you will commit to serving the poor and fighting for every Catandunganon,” Dr. Azanza expressed.
“Subscribe to the idea that those who have less in life, should have more in law,” he added.
The event was attended by Dean Atty. Santiago T. Gabionza Jr., Vice President for Academic Affairs Dr. Gemma G. Acedo, and Assistant Vice President Dr. Joseph G. Zafe.
