Catanduanes State University

At the forefront facing the eastern pacific seaboard, is the Catanduanes State University, one of the distinguished state universities in the region. Driven by firm resolve in upholding the tradition of excellence through united front and consistent spirit.

CatSU students, employees participate in National Simultaneous Earthquake Drill 2023


To promote awareness and preparedness among students and faculty, the Incident and Calamity Operations (ICO) conducted an Earthquake Drill on March 16, 2023, headed by its Commander, CatSU President Dr. Patrick Alain T. Azanza and assisted by Prof. Emlyn M. Lanon, In-charge of Continuing Education, Training, Drills, and Calamity Awareness Campaign.

The Earthquake Drill was held in relation to the Memoranda from the RDRRMC regarding the regional conduct of the 1st Quarter National Simultaneous Earthquake Drill (NSED) 2023. Students and employees participated in the drill at exactly 2:00 PM.

According to Prof. Lanon, this drill is important to develop and practice muscle memory of the duck-cover-and-hold among students and faculty, build resilient communities in the university, and assess the readiness of students and faculty in times of earthquakes. 

Engr. Benjamin Hannycel T. Nuyda, Planning and Development Services Director, gave an orientation during the conduct of the drill, while Dr. Ryan T. Timbal, Head of CatSU Security Services, provided necessary assistance and monitoring during the activity. #CVecilles
