Catanduanes State University

At the forefront facing the eastern pacific seaboard, is the Catanduanes State University, one of the distinguished state universities in the region. Driven by firm resolve in upholding the tradition of excellence through united front and consistent spirit.

NSTP holds orientation for students this second semester


The Office of the National Service Training Program (NSTP) at Catanduanes State University (CatSU), under the direction of Prof. Emlyn C. Lanon, conducted a General Orientation and Meet & Greet for NSTP student trainees for the 2nd semester of 2022-2023 academic year 

The event that took place at the university gymnasium on January 28, 2023, aimed to inform new NSTP coordinators, instructors, and support staff about their responsibilities in training and seminars, ensuring proper implementation of NSTP at the university.

Prof. Lanon led the first half of the orientation, which began with an orientation dialogue between all faculty trainers and a discussion of the achievements from the first semester and its evaluation. She also provided a brief overview of the legal basis and revised IRR of NSTP and presented the topics and learning activities for the second semester.

The second half of the event, the Meet & Greet Proper, allowed faculty trainers to meet the students, finalize class lists, schedules, and room assignments, conduct student profiling, and elect new class officers.

The orientation had a total of 2,453 student-trainees from the nine (9) colleges, together with their respective faculty trainers. Also present are the 2 NSTP Coordinator and the NSTP/NSRC Director.  

After the orientation, the NSTP Office provided the attendees with the NSTP course syllabus and calendar of activities to help with the implementation of NSTP at CatSU during the 2022-2023 academic year, including community immersion. #CVecilles
